School Meals

School lunch are served in the main hall. At Danbury Park School, school lunches run on a three week rota and the menu is changed twice a year.  The current menu is displayed in several places throughout the school, including the reception area. The weekly newsletter always tells you what the menu for the following week will be. During morning registration, your child’s class teacher will ask the children if they are having a packed lunch or school dinner.  Those choosing school meals will be told the three menu options for the day, either the main choice, the vegetarian option or a jacket potato with filling.  The children make their choice accordingly, which is noted and passed to the kitchen. Payment is made in advance at the beginning of the week and the daily charge is £2.25.  From September 2014 all children in EYFS and KS1 are supplied with a hot meal free of charge. Monies can be paid weekly, termly, or daily if preferred and by cheque or cash.  Cheques should be made out to Danbury Park Primary School and all payments should be put in an envelope, clearly marked ‘Dinner Money’, with your child’s name, class and how much is enclosed on the front.  Pupils give the envelopes to their class teacher at morning registration and this helps to build a sense of responsibility. Any changes with regard to school meals will be mentioned in our weekly newsletter and at the end of term there is also the price of the next termly or half-termly charge, for those parents wishing to pay in advance.