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Curricular Aims
At Danbury Park School we aim to develop a child’s knowledge, experience and understanding to the
best of their ability; to have as much independence as possible; to have an awareness of moral values
and to be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas successfully to others.

Our school’s Curriculum Policy Statement takes account of the requirements of the Early Years
Foundation Stage Framework, the National Curriculum and the locally agreed syllabus for the teaching
of Religious Education. We aim to enable all children in the school to achieve levels of personal
development which will permit them to play their full part in the life of the community and assist
them to acquire skills and to develop attitudes so that they develop a love of learning and become
life-long learners.

We carefully structure the work of the school so as to provide, as far as possible, a smooth
progression and development, geared to the requirements of later education and the individual
child’s needs. We achieve these aims by offering a wide, varied and balanced curriculum, learning by
experience and discovery, which occurs alongside a more formal, traditional approach and by
providing a stimulating and happy environment for both pupils and staff alike.

More specific information about our curriculum can be found in the documents below or by contacting the class teachers or the headteacher via the school office.


Long Term Maps

Below you will find our long term maps for each class. These show what we teach in each term. More information is available from the class teachers and is shared with parents through a termly topic letter.




Subject Specific Information

Below you will find more information about the subjects we teach at Danbury Park School.



Phonics and Reading

In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 we use Bug Club as our scheme of work for Phonics.

Our school reading scheme which runs from Early Years through to Year 6 uses a wide variety of books from different sources but starts predominantly with Bug Club and the Oxford Reading Tree. More information is in the link below:















At Danbury Park School we are concerned about the future of our world and we have a special whole school project called Our World, Our Future. More information is below: